In 1990, University of California students, staff, faculty, and alumni met to establish a system-wide association to address LGBT issues. Until 2007, UCLGBTIA actively met as a Steering Committee. The last Western Regional LGBTQIA College Conference, which began as the annual UCLGBTIA General Assembly, was hosted in 2013. Through 2016, the web site uclgbtia.org hosted information pertinent to the UC system that was often accessed by campus activists nation-wide. The web site has now been taken down, but its documents will be archived on this blog.

Document Collections (PDFs)

History of University of California system-wide LGBT Advisory Groups

  • UCLGBTIA, 1990-2007
  • UC LGBT Resource Directors Council, 2007-present
  • UC Campus Climate Council LGBT Work Group, 2010-2011 & 2011-12
  • UCOP Task Force & Implementation Team for LGBT Climate & Inclusion, 2012-2013 & 2013-2014
  • President’s Advisory Council on LGBT Students, Faculty, & Staff, 2014-present